Tuesday, July 14, 2009

White Angel/Devil Ultra Wide Angle Camera Film Camera Lomo

Shoot dynamic, wide-world pictures with its 22mm wide-angle lens
Surprisingly vivid colors!... camera geeks will be speechless!
Charming pictures, lovely vignetting!
It's all made of plastic... as tiny and light as it gets!
The most convenient and available film format: 35mm!
Film counter and Rewind features.


Type 35mm Wide Angle Camera
Lens 22m F8
Shutter 1/100S
Dimensions 98x59x23

Package includes Ultra Wide & Slim Camera, 35mm film, strap and manual

PRICE: 2,500


~ zirquera ~ said...

where to buy? :)

Sun Pluggers said...

how are the pictures taken with this camera? :)

Unknown said...

Correction: It is the White Eximus from the Korean Toy Camera Company: Red Camera.

The White Angel is from Superheadz. Here's a link: http://media.photobucket.com/image/white%20slim%20angel/footprintgrins/Slim2.jpg

Just wanted to clarify(:

Disco Vigilante said...

Bought a Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim from Amazon. Really wide images that are really good, but only shoot outside :P